Combined Mental Health First Aider & Level 3 Safeguarding

Ultimate workplace duty of care bundle

Our combined Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®)  &  Level 3 Award in Principles of Safeguarding and Protecting Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults (RQF) will provide you will a seriously impressive foundation to support those suffering or showing signs of poor ill health, and identify concerns surround Safeguarding. See our individual course overviews for more information on each qualification and specific course objectives.


There is no set assessment for MHFA but for Safeguarding, a learner must successfully pass the written assessment to achieve the qualification. There is no grading of the assessment; learners pass or are referred.


DURATION: 3 Days (Can be split)

DELIVERY METHODS: Open Course | On Site

CERTIFICATION: Everyone who completes this course gets:

  • Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®)  qualification
  • Level 3 Award in Principles of Safeguarding and Protecting Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults (RQF)

COMPETENCY: Gain confidence when supporting staff, friends, loved ones, or anyone experiencing signs of poor or ill mental health and be able to identify issues and the responsibility to ensure that concerns are reported and acted on appropriately for Safeguarding.


Speak to our team for more information or specific course splits. Not maximum for a course is 12.


Call for details : 0121 240 0375     Email: 

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