NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate

Support carbon zero

This NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate course aims to develop your Environmental Management skills that will be applicable to a variety of industries as well as being able to contribute to your organisation’s decisions regarding the environment and how what they do may impact it.


The NEBOSH Environmental Management qualification is aimed at candidates who have a responsibility for managing environmental issues as part of their work. It is also suitable for anyone who wishes to pursue a career in environmental management.


  • Unit EMC1 – Environmental Management (Open Book Examination)
    • Foundations in environmental management.
    • Environmental management systems.
    • Assessing environmental aspects and impacts.
    • Planning for and dealing with environmental emergencies.
  • Unit EMC2 – Assessing Environmental Aspects & Associates Impacts (Practical Application) 
    • Controls of emissions to air.
    • Control of environmental noise.
    • Control of contamination of water resources.
    • Control of waste and land use.
    • Sources and use of energy and energy efficiency.


DURATION: 5 day course

DELIVERY METHODS: Open Course | On Site.

  • For us to deliver a NEBOSH course in-house, there must be no more than 12 delegates attending. Delegates must also sit the designated exams provided by NEBOSH.

ASSESSMENT: The NEBOSH Environmental Management course consists of two assessments:

  • In Unit EMC1, candidates are assessed by an online written examination that they have 24 hours to submit. Within it, candidates must demonstrate the knowledge gained through the course.
  • Unit EMC2 features a practical assessment, which is carried out at the candidate’s workplace. The practical assessment must be submitted within 14 days of the exam date booking.

Your assessment will be marked by an external examiner appointed by NEBOSH. These examiners are chosen for their experience and expertise to ensure that learners are assessed by the very best in our industry.

CERTIFICATION: NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate.


Good understanding of spoken and written English.

Call for details : 0121 240 0375 or Email [email protected]

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  • Course name
    NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate
  • Info
    The NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate enhances versatile skills for various industries, enabling contributions to organisational environmental decisions and understanding potential impacts.

  • Contact
    Call us at 0121 240 0375
    Email: [email protected]

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