Level 3 Award in Principles of Safeguarding and Protecting Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults (FAA) (RQF) Accredited)

An absolute must for Organisations with a duty of care
Our Level 3 qualification promotes awareness and sensitivity to safeguarding, enabling learners to be able to identify issues and emphasises the responsibility to ensure that concerns are reported and acted on appropriately. It teaches how to recognize signs of abuse and neglect, and what actions to take to prevent their recurrence.


Learners who have contact with children, young people, or vulnerable adults in their working environment, including voluntary work. May include NHS, Healthcare, Education (Inc Adult), and voluntary. Any person who may require a better understanding of Safeguarding.


Understanding safeguarding and protection responsibilities:

  • Current guidelines and legislation
  • Safe ways of working

Different types of abuse, including:

  • Signs, symptoms, and indicators
  • Why abuse is not always recognized
  • Factors to be considered when abuse is suspected

Procedures for reporting, recording, and responding to:

  • Suspected abuse
  • Disclosure of abuse
  • Alleged abuse

The Government’s person-centered approach to safeguarding and protection, including:

  • Duty of care
  • Best practice

Support mechanisms available for staff and others following abuse


A learner must successfully pass the written assessment to achieve the qualification. There is no grading of the assessment; learners pass or are referred.



DELIVERY METHOD: Open Course | On Site | Online (Virtual)

ASSESSMENTS: A learner must successfully pass the written assessment to achieve the qualification. There is no grading of the assessment; learners pass or are referred.

CERTIFICATION: Level 3 Award in Principles of Safeguarding and Protecting Children, Young People, or Vulnerable Adults (RQF). The qualification does not have an expiry date, but refresher training and keeping up to date with changes to policies, procedures, and new legislation through ongoing CPD is vital.

COMPETENCY: Enable learners to be able to identify issues and emphasizes the responsibility to ensure that concerns are reported and acted on appropriately.


This course can also be combined with our 2 Day Mental Health First Aid course (MHFA) to create a workplace bundle (3 Days in Total). The course can be split across 3 days over 3 weeks.

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  • I would like to stay up to date on upcoming courses, information and exclusive offers from PGL Midlands.
  • Course name
    Level 3 Award in Principles of Safeguarding and Protecting Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults (FAA) (RQF) Accredited)
  • Info
    Our Level 3 course fosters safeguarding awareness, teaching learners to recognise abuse and neglect signs. Emphasising reporting and appropriate action, it empowers individuals to prevent and address future occurrences.
  • Contact
    Call us at 0121 240 0375
    Email: [email protected]

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